How tall is Carl Froch?
Carl Froch’s height is 6ft 0in (183 cm).
How much does Carl Froch weight?
He weights 187 lbs (85 kg).
When was Carl Froch born?
His birthday’s on July 2, 1977.
How old is Carl Froch?
He is 39.
Carl Froch Body Measurements:
Shoe Size: Unknown
Measurements: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Quick Biography Facts:
Born Name: Carl Martin Froch
Nick Name: Carl
Sun Sign: Cancer
Born Place: Nottingham, England
Nationality: England
Education: Unknown
Occupation: Former pro boxer, sports analyst
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religion: Unknown
Carl Froch Family:
- Father – Frank Froch
- Mother – Carol Froch
- Siblings – brothers Wayne and Lee
- Wife – He is not married, but has a long term partner Rachael Cordingley
- Children – 1.Son Rocco Froch
2. Daughter Natalia Froch
3. Daughter Penelope Froch
How did Carl Froch become so famous?
Carl Froch is an outstanding, extremely talented pro boxer, which was born in England, but gained popularity all over the world. His career in box lasted from 2002 to 2014 and now he serves as sports analyst for the channel Sky Sports. Carl Froch achieved a lot as an athlete.
He is a former 4 time world champion in the category super middle weight. What was his way to success?
So, that’s how Carl reached his top.
Carl Froch was born in Nottingham, England. He was fast and strong from the earliest age and liked sport most of all. He started to practice boxing at the age of 13 and soon decided to make career of a pro boxer.
Having achieved his first success as an amateur boxer, Carl caught the attention of the trainer Robert McCracken. Carl debuted as pro boxer in 2004 and started his career from loud victories. He defeated Charles Adamu, Damon Hague, Tony Dodson etc.
When Carl Froch is asked about the secret of his success, he tells that it is discipline. To be a pro boxer means avoid sugar, fat, not to eat late and go to bed early. Carl Froch recommends future boxers to gain thick skin and to have really firm chin, which is impossible to hit.
In 2014 Carl finished his professional career and probably, he would become a TV personality soon.