The fame found her after the film “The Devil’s Advocate”, which was released on screens in 1997. In movie she co-starred with Al Pachino, Keanu Reeves, making the role of an attractive blonde.
This role made her the name in the movie industry, which includes such features as long legs and wide eyes. However, it didn’t demand many changes in her appearances.
Let us see what the next further steps were. For the movie, which was introduced in 2001, Charlize lost 28 pounds, which is equal to 13 kilos, having the total weight around 88 pounds (40 kilos). It was called “Head in Clouds”, a romantic comedy, which can probably improve your mood.
She starred in some TV productions the year after, having weight and shape practically unchanged.
But what did the year 2003 bring?
Charlize was offered a role in the film “Monster”, who was going to tell about a serial killer, a prostitute and other unordinary human beings. To fulfill the role, she should have put on a lot of weigh, which can be now measured in 30 pounds (13,5 kilos). And she agreed!
Soon it was appreciated with the Academy Awards this charming lady was given.
You will definitely ask – How? The answer is simple: she was eating Kripsy Crème doughnuts several times per day, no sport, no favorite ice-skating. When she became fed up with bakery, began eating the potato crisps.
The actress had never allowed oneself to do such things, because she was a ballet dancer in past, while screening was often seen in the gym and the swimming pool. So, from point of view it was good for her to have such “food rest”.
Except the weight, which was correlated with the director’s demands, she also had her eyebrows shaved and the teeth to be replaced with the prosthetic one. It was all because of her to look scary.
An interesting fact is that Charlize dropped off all the kilos before the premiere. What an amazing woman she is!
The source of slimming was forbidden eating after 5 p.m, cutting on the alcohol and any sweets as well and, of course, the hard work out every day for two hours at least.
Also, the main idea was not limiting food, but omitting eating it in big amounts.
For instance, the actress likes cheeseburgers very much, so when she sits on a diet, she allows oneself to eat not the whole burger, but a quarter of it. However, when putting on weight, it may be guessed she is not limited in choice…
The next role she was going to made was in “Sweet November”, where she should have been thin again, fit and healthy, having no backwashes on the look from the past movie experience.
What did the next years bring her?
The year 2005 brought her fame and success with a very popular drama “North Country”. Besides, the TV credits include the well-known series “Arrested Development”.
Further years were full of work and challenges, bringing the new scores to the experience list. For the example may be the “Young Adult”, which was presented in 2011. It is a comedy-drama, which is perfect for the family evening.
How are things at the present moment?
In 2015 she appeared in “Mad Max: Furry Road”: skinny, strong and attractive. This movie demanded hard preparation process, as the main feature of it was power, so the muscles should be seeable.
This may stand for a good courage for many people: the transformation she went through and her great desire to look fancy.
Charlize still sits on a diet, which includes low-carbonated products with also low fat. The small portions are also welcomed.
For some years she was currently hosting the “Saturday Night Live”, the peak of actress’s popularity on show was reached in 2014.
To sum up, it may be said, that any works demands changes as it is changeable in its basis. Charlize Theron may be a perfect pattern, for those who hesitate in the right diet choice, as also the good courage for those, who need the motivation.
What is left – just wish her luck and new interesting roles…